Employer Matching

Does your employer match funds for your volunteer hours? Many companies match funds for volunteering and will make donations to the Booster Club since we are a non-profit organization. If there is anything we need to do to help you turn in volunteer hours to your company just let us know!

intel Employees

Volunteer Hours

Intel employees can earn money for our school when they volunteer! Follow the steps below and Intel will provide a donation to the club for your hours worked.

  1. In your web browser go to intel.benevity.org and click on "Volunteer" and then "Track Volunteer Time"
  2. On the form pick "A specific cause" and in the search box type "lenox booster" and click Search and then "+ Add" next to LENOX BOOSTER CLUB
  3. Fill out the rest of the form (hours, date, etc.) and submit

Donation Matching

Intel will match donations made to approved causes. Follow the steps below to nominate our cause and then make sure to submit your receipt with all of the necessary information, which is also outlined below.

Instructions for Intel employees wanting to submit a matching request:
  1. Go to https://intel.benevity.org/request-a-match from Intel network and click "LOG IN USING SINGLE SIGN ON"
  2. Add LENOX BOOSTER CLUB for the cause
  3. Fill out the other fields
*Please note: Intel donations will not be matched without submission of a receipt that is turned in within 30 days the donation. Also the receipt MUST have the following information on it or it will be rejected

INTEL donation receipts must be from the receiving org or school and include:

  1. A statement that no goods or services were provided in return for the donation, or the Fair Market Value (FMV) of any benefits received and the tax deductible amount of the donation. Only the tax deductible amount of the donation is eligible for the match.
  2. Donor first and last name. If the receipt is in your spouse's name, please indicate the person is your spouse in "Comments to Administrator."
  3. Receiving organization (501c3 and/or School) name
  4. Donation amount (in USD)
  5. Date of donation

Copies of check and PayPal receipts are not eligible receipts. Combined receipts must be for a single cause and be within a single calendar year. When nominating a cause (charity or school) a match request cannot be submitted until the nomination is approved.


Nike Employees

Volunteer Hours

Nike employees can earn money for our school when they volunteer! Just record your volunteer hours within 90 days of the event and Nike will provide a donation to the club for your hours worked. You can record your hours by clicking here.


Color Me Fun Run 2x Donation Sports Match

Our annual Color Me Fun Run qualifies for your Nike Employee 2x Sports Match! This means for every dollar you donate to the Fun Run, Nike will give us $2 as long as you donate through this portal/link that has been set up for us. Please follow these instructions to take advantage of this very generous 2 to 1 match:

  1. Click on the following link and log into your WE portal/benevity account: 2X Sport Match: Lenox Elementary School Jogathon/Color Me Fun Run
  2. Enter the amount you will be donating to the Fun Run and pay that amount with your credit card.
  3. You will receive an email showing you submitted a donation. Attach that email to your Lenox Pledge Sheet to get credit for that amount for your student to qualify for awards.
  4. Nike will then send us the amount you submitted to them, plus their double match.


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